The FrontSeat™ is a Patented child carrier developed to take children 2-10 years of age bike riding into an Off Road environment. The FrontSeat™ is the only child carrier that gives adults the Freedom to Ride Anywhere with a Child. The FrontSeat™ is proven safe and has been tested for over 10 years.
What makes the FrontSeat™ Unique:
- Children ages 2-10 are surrounded by the parent’s arms providing safety and immediate supervision
- Components are adjustable to accommodate growing children
- Mounting and dismounting in any situation is quick and easy for both the adult and child
- Compatible with other carriers
- Off Road Biking:
- The child is stable and can adjust his/her body weight to easily “ride” with the adult
- A FrontSeat™ passenger has little effect on the bicyclist’s center of gravity
- The adult’s riding style is unaffected while riding with a FrontSeat™ passenger
- Adults and children share in the action rather than being isolated from each other
- The child is easy to communicate with and in full view at all times
- Children learn the “Rules of the Road” from their parents
FrontSeatUSA is offering the patent, trademark, copyright, and intellectual property for licensing, private label, or acquisition. Contact FrontSeatUSA for more information.